Thursday, August 2, 2007


To make this growing good news even better, we can introduce an idea which will lay to rest many global misconceptions about your brain and body, and their aging and learning processes.

The more appropriately and well your brain does "X" then the easier "X" becomes.

What does this mean? If, for example, "X" equals memory, then the more appropriately and well you practice using your memory, then the easier memorization will become. If "X" equals creativity, then the more appropriately you practice being creative, the more you will create and the more easy creative thinking will become. The more your body is used well, the more successful become its performance. The same principle obviously applies to learning, and to the development of all mental and physical skills.

The Synergy Brain Principle indicates that the pervading beliafs that creativity withers with age, and that other mental and physical skills necessarily decline, are dangerous misconceptions.

So far the news is all good. Let's next look at a little anagram slogan from the world of artificial intelligence: GIGO

GIGO is computer-speak for "Garbage In, Garbage Out!" You put garbage into your computer, you get garbage out of it....

For many years this was also thought to be true for the human brain. We (and you!) now know that this will not be the case. For in the case of the human brain it must be : GIGG.

Garbage In, Garbage Grows

How far can this garbage grow? Infinitely! Potentially infinite universes of garbage and rubbish are possible!

Armed with this new information we can reconsider the idea that our synergetic brain is self-creative and realize, more somberly, that, following the GIGG equation, the human brain can also be synergetically destroyed when rubbish or pollution infiltrates its incredibly sophisticated and complex systems.

And to what extent can this destruction expand? Infinitely! Just consider instance of suicides, murders, wars .....

This is the bad news. However, there is some good news amidst the bad.

The fact that we know that our brains can be both infinitely creative and infinitely destructive, sheds some light on the centuries-old argument about the basic nature of humankind - whether or not humans are fundamentally aggressive, destructive and war-like, or rather more peaceful, cooperative and spiritual creatures.

If we were fundamentally aggressive and war-like, and as we are infinitely capable of destruction, we would no longer exist! We do exist, and therefore humankind must fundamentally veer toward a more enlightened nature.

There is more good news in the bad! The human brain is obviously not disigned to self-destruct, otherwise homo sapiens would have terminated with the first couple!

Fortunately, the brain will only self-destruct in one circumstance, and that circumstance has three parts, which must all be present. The brain will self-destruct only when it is polluted by the wrong formula. It must, however, have more than just the wrong formula - it must believe in that wrong formula. In addition, the brain must act upon or practice that wrong formula.

The mind is its own place, and in it self,
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.

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