Wednesday, June 6, 2007

POWER OF MIND - part 2


Let us not look
Back in anger
Nor forward in fear
But around us in AWARENESS.

Leland Val Vandewall.


That slight misdeed of yesterday,
why should it mar today?
The thing he said, the thing you did,
have long since passed away.
For yesterday was but a trial,
today you will succed,
And from mistakes of yesterday,
will come some noble deed.
Forgive yourself for thoughtlessness,
do not condemn the past.
For it is gone with its mistakes,
their memory cannot last.
Forget the failures and misdeed,
from such experience rise.
Why should you let your head be bowed?
Lift up your heart and eyes!

- Selected.

To look into the bright future and to build an image of good that you disire, you will see your image materialize. But again, as long as you continue to let your present or past result control your thinking process, you will never live to see your dreams come true. Therefore, look up, look ahead and from the image of the life you choose to live, then everything you touch or come in contact with will grow and expand and express itself, in a greater and greater way.



To get he had tried, yet his store was still meager.
To a wise man he cried, in a voice keen and eager;
"Pray tell me how I may successfully live?"
And the wise man replied, "to get you must give."
As to giving he said, "What have I to give?"
"I've scarce enough bread, and of course one must live;
But I would partake of Life's bountiful store."
Came the wise man's response," Then you must give more."
The lesson he learned; to get was forgotten,
Toward manking he turned with a love new begotten.
As he gave of himself in useful living,
Then joy crowned his day, for he drew rich in giving.

Arthur William Beer.

The real secret behind the vacuum law of prosperity, lies in the fact, that by giving the ald drapes away, you would automatically have been making room for the new.

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